Friday, October 29, 2010

SBR600: Update on Nagios

Hi everyone,

As mentioned earlier, i have started work on the Nagios project.

Today, we setup the server and Nagios is currently monitoring the local computer...
The next phase will be to get it monitoring additional machines.

Until next time!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

SBR600: Repositories/Distributing

Hi everyone!

Creating a repositories and distributing the packages was quite fun to do.

First off you must create a key for your repository using the command: gpg --gen-key

After that you must sign your package, and move it over to your distribution directory.

Then to create the metadata run the command:
createrepo /name/of/directory

Once you have done that your all good to go. Happy Distributing!

Until next time,


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

SBR600: Mock Build/Koji

My mock build of nled went without any problems,

I had some troubles with koji, i kept getting this error message:
sslv3 alert certificate revoked

After a few hours i was able to get it to work... The issue
was that my certificates were not valid. So i had to manualy
delete the certificates and re-downland them. After that koji
worked flawlessly.

Next up: Signing RPM packages.

Until Next time...


SBR600:Switch to build a new SPEC file

After many days of trouble and problems, I have decided to try to build a different program...

Welcome to the world of NLED...

After the pain i had with hotwire, nled seemed like a breeze... although i will still try to figure out how to build hotwire as it will keep bugging me if i don't...

SPEC file: SBR600.NLED